AVS Business Unit Europe

Silence. The most natural Type of Comfort.


SumiRiko AVS Germany GmbH
Karl-Winnacker-Straße 19
D-36396 Steinau an der Straße

Telephone: +49 6663 9128 0
Fax: +49 6663 9128 4100

Managing Directors
Hidehito Ikeda, Carlos Jimenez, Shinji Tanaka, Bernd Schorner

Company head office
Steinau an der Straße, Germany

Local Court of Hanau
HRB 90678
VAT ID No.: DE204691793

Internet: www.avs.sumiriko.com

Info e-mail: info(at)avs.sumiriko.com


The website of SumiRiko AVS Germany GmbH makes use of pictures of the stock photo agency Shutterstock.